AGA Transparent OTC Sale

3 min readSep 28, 2020


Most projects that need further funding look to the Over The Counter (OTC) market to sell their allocated tokens without creating large red bars on exchanges and impacting their price.

Unfortunately these OTC deals are done without transparency and their rules — discounts and lockup periods vary with every sale.

We chose to work with our AGA governance team to determine the best rules for our OTC sale. Set of rules that would be attractive to new community members, yet protect AGA’s value and current community.

Starting September 28th, anyone who wishes to support our project will be able to purchase AGA over the counter (by exclusively working with Tomasz via e-mail — or through Telegram or Discord).

More about the AGA Friends and Family OTC Sale

From September 28 to October 14 we are selling up to 350,000 AGA to fund purchase of new miners.

AGA for this sale is allocated from our 2020 circulating supply (, no new AGA will be minted (none can ever be) nor taken out of cold storage.

Funds generated by this sale will be used to double our weekly AGA buy-backs, and upon discretion of our governance board for increased marketing.

We have already purchased miners that will generate approximately 10,000 USD per month in buy-backs once fully deployed by the end of this month. Funds generated by this OTC token sale would increase our buy backs to over 20,000 USD per month. With Bitcoin at $15,000 buy backs would grow to approximately $40,000 per month!

  • 5,000 USD minimum to participate in the AGA F&F OTC Sale (you can still purchase any amount of AGA on Uniswap)
  • AGA will be sold at the current spot price (no discounts)
  • We will send 95% of the purchased tokens immediately

We ask that you provide us with an empty ERC20 address for transparency purposes, this address will be tracked to check for bonus payment eligibility.

  • Remaining 5% of the locked tokens, plus a 10% OTC token bonus will be held for 90 days, and if the AGA purchased in the OTC sale is not sold, we will send out the remaining 15% of AGA after 90 days.

Staking OTC bought AGA is allowed, and so is providing liquidity in the AGA-AGAr and AGA-ETH pools. OTC bought AGA can be traded for AGAr only and still be eligible for the 5% plus 10% token bonus. If AGA is traded for ETH, or any other token of any kind, the 5% lock and 10% bonus will be forfeited.

Real Life Example

If you provide 10,000 USD when the AGA price is $0.66: you will receive 14,394 AGA ($10,000/0.66*.95) immediately, and 2,273 AGA (locked tokens and OTC Bonus) in 90 days.

AGA Token Links

🌎 Website:


👍 Facebook:

🌇 Instagram:

📰 Medium:

🎥 YouTube:

🦄 Uniswap:





📈Dextools (chart):📈

📈Chartex (chart):📈

⚒ Balance in AGA buy-back wallet:



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