October 9, 2020 Update

2 min readOct 10, 2020


I intend to close each week with a quick top of mind update. Here it goes…


This week we added 10 miners, or ~900 THs of mining power, or $2,250 per month in revenue. We deposit our profits into our mining reserve account — https://etherscan.io/address/0xD6FA9afF33C8A1545eb51b2901AF636741FdaC08, and spend, per direction of our governance board, on AGA buy-backs and marketing.

We are adding additional 20 units next week, after which we will be earning 10,000 USD per month in net profit (at $11,000 Bitcoin).

So, I am pretty excited about doubling our Bitcoin mining capacity!


On October 14th, I will be speaking on a panel at the Blockchain UNconference: https://www.washingtontechnology.org/events/blockchain-unconference/, please join us if you can. Then in November I have an interview scheduled with a top influencer in the Bitcoin space.

As a governance community we are discussing other marketing partnerships, but we have yet to decide where we should invest.


On October 15 our Liquidity Providers will receive their monthly liquidity rewards. We forecast that we will pay out just under 50,000 AGA and 5,000 AGAr. Liquidity Providers will have till October 20th to provide liquidity to earn November Liquidity Rewards of 6% for AGA-ETH and 12% for AGA-AGAr!


We are about to be earning 10,000 USD per month, and spending that on marketing and buybacks. Engaged in unpaid marketing through most respected channels. November LPs even more profitable than October LPs.

